Unser team
Veronika Kulcsar
Künstlerin, Tänzerin, Choreografin und Tanzpädagogin (VIE/DE) Gründerin und künstlerische Leitung von Bewegte Interaktion
„My motivation to found this organisation came form my own experiences when I started my dance education and training. In general (and especially in Vienna) dance and movement as a form of art seem to be available only for a quite privileged group of people. Having encountered the wonderful teachers I had and seeing how much my whole life benefitted from my dance and movement practice I wanted to share that potential to everyone and make it more accessible for people. So I came up with the Idea of “Bewegte Interaktion” which mean something like “moved interaction”. Due to the founding from SHIFT I was able to work together with a choreographer and establish a project involving male refugees in 2017, which resulted in 2 performances in Odeon Theatre. It was clear for me that I want to keep on working on this idea of making movement as a form of art more accessible and understand by everybody. What interests me as a dancer and artist is how I can fully support an idea and become different things and keep on learning from many areas. I don´t think we as human are one dimensional, but rather have multiple talents and interests and I want to approach my dance and movement in the same way. I think one of the strongest sides of me that I can offer is: a strong determination, motivation and will (to keep working until I/we all get where we want to get), but at the same time I try never to lose the endless curiosity and openness to discover new approaches and learn from others and share with others.” www.veronikakulcsar.com
Andrea Vezga
Künstlerin, Tänzerin, Tanzpädagogin und Performerin (VIE/CR) Gründungsmitglied von Bewegte Interaktion
„I have always been a firm believer that arts and culture are a necessary tool for self-development. Particularly dance can bring great advantages that are often overlooked. My passion for dance led me to complete my BA in contemporary dance and a formation in African and Latin dances. Ever since then, I have worked as an independent teacher and artist. On the other hand, I started my International Affair studies motivated to do hands-on work and inspired by my first volunteering experience with an NGO in Nicaragua at the age of sixteen. I immediately knew I wanted to pursue a career in social sciences and be in contact with people. Since moving to Vienna I have been able to continue to expand my practice. I did my Masters in Arts and Science at „Die Angewandte“. My various fields of interest have brought depth to my goals as a professional, constantly looking for intersections.
I believe the benefits of learning through art are maximized with a horizontal approach and welcoming interdisciplinarity. This is the core of my work and what I hope to translate to every project I am involved in.“ Portfolio: https://andreavezga.ucraft.site/
Reinier Martinez Badilla
Tänzer, Choreograf Tanzpädagoge und Lichtdesigner (SZG/CR)
I strongly believe in movement as a medium to communicate ideas and get to know other people, as well as connecting with ourselves. Contemporary dance is very particular because it nurtures from our social environment and dialogues with it. However, it also goes beyond languages, cultures, socio-economical realities and it has huge potential for integration and working horizontally with the body as a starting point. I studied psychology and violin in my home country before dropping them to move into full time professional dance education, and along the way I added-up other interests such as lighting design in which I have worked since 2012. In 2014 I moved to Austria to complete my dance education in SEAD Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, where I graduated in 2018. I work as freelance dancer and choreographer and have taught and performed in Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala and both European and Siberian Russia. My dance practice and teaching are driven by subjects as curiosity, instinct, performativity, listening and interacting with others, while constantly researching, discussing and formulating new questions. https://vimeo.com/317681907 https://youtu.be/MM2cEWbDaII
Ruth Bruckner
Kamera (Bild und Video) (VIE)
My artistic life is aiming at forging a bridge between photography, music, visual design and film making. Having previously obtained degrees in music and philosophy from universities in Vienna, Paris, London and Leipzig, I increasingly felt attracted to a multitude of forms of art, mainly in the area of visual arts and performance. This led me to pursue a professional education as photographer and to start working on various transdisciplinary art projects.
Having taught at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, the transmission of art to new audiences has become a keypoint in my professional path. The project “Bewegte Interaktion” is building up a space in which all these areas of interest come together. Through the interaction with new audiences, movement and sound can come to live, be perceived by other audiences and captured by the media of photography and film. The elements thereby receive a multifaceted meaning, being able to connect people, to trigger cultural exchange, as well as to initiate reflexions on identities of the self, of societies as a whole and a large array of further philosophical issues.
Rosanna Ruo
Schauspielerin (IT/DE/VIE)
Presentation follows soon…
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Für Kollaborationen sind wir ständig auch auf der Suche nach KünstlerInnen aus jeglicher Sparte, von Sounddesign über Fotografie, bis hin zu Bühnenbild und Malerei. Vor allem Videokünstler (mit oder ohne Erfahrung im Bereich Tanzfilm) sind bei uns immer sehr gefragt.
Wir sind gespannt von dir zu hören! 🙂